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Fasting for peace in the Middle East

The InterFaith Leadership Council of Metropolitan Detroit is asking the community to fast on Tuesday to solidarity for peace in the Middle East.

Inspired by the parents of the slain Israeli and Palestinian youths coming together, the council said it's calling on all faiths to recognize the day, which is a Muslim fast day during Ramadan and the Jewish fast day known as 17 Tammuz.

"Conflicts over power often hijack religious identity in order to masquerade as having a religious purpose. This does a disservice to the sacred. In metropolitan Detroit we are determined to model for the world as best we possibly can how to work on local issue as friends with a common desire to build a thriving community in which we can all share as equals. As the world continues to watch religious extremism and violence shatter lives and communities in the Middle East, local religious and interfaith leaders are working together to create solidarity and understanding here at home," the council said in a statement.

To read the full statement, click here.

Imams on Flashpoint

Imam Steve Elturk and Imam Elahi, Sunni and Shia co-Chairs of the MMCC Imams' Council appeared on Local 4's Flashpoint on June 26 to talk about Ramadan.

Watch the video here: Flashpoint 6/29/14

About the InterFaith Leadership Council

Most of the members of the InterFaith Leadership Council of Metropolitan Detroit were founding members of the Interfaith Partners, a group that started at a meeting on September 12, 2001. At that meeting, clergy and community leaders met in the aftermath of 9/11 to plan a joint prayer service, which was held at Detroit's Fort Street Presbyterian Church.