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Inspire Today: Couple sells cheesecakes to raise adoption funds

Metro Detroit couple, Christine and Terrell, were featured on this week’s Inspire Today. They have been trying to have a baby for six years with no luck.

They are now looking to adopt a baby that is expected by July. They have just months to raise the necessary $10,700 and are selling homemade cheesecake -- Bell Baby Cheesecakes -- in order to do it.

To help them become first-time parents, you can order a cheesecake through their website:

For anyone interested in giving just a monetary donation, they have an online fund here.

They’re also hosting a bowling fundraiser to raise the necessary money. It’s Saturday, April 30, at 9:30 p.m. at Westland Bowl. The cost is just $20 per person and will go towards their adoption fund.