ROMULUS, Mich. – The family of a woman who was killed in a hit-and-run in Romulus is grieving and hoping that the reckless driver will be found and brought to justice.

Judy Blackwell, 58, was walking to the corner store around 5 a.m. Friday on the road that doesn't have street lights when she was struck by a dark-colored SUV.
Family members said witnesses told them the person was driving erratically. After hitting her, the driver got out of their car, saw her lying there and took off
Blackwell had a history of mental illness and was bipolar, but her family said she loved to ride her bike and spend time with her three grandchildren
Romulus police said they are now looking for black Jeep Grand Cherokee, possibly a 1995 -1998 model, with significant front end damage.
A GoFundMe account was created to help the family pay for funeral costs.