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Green Oak Township police believe juveniles are behind destructive bottle bombs

Dangerous homemade bottle bombs found near Green Oak Village Place mall, causing at least 1 fire

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GREEN OAK TOWNSHIP, Mich. – You never know where one will "pop" up, but bottle bombs are becoming a real problem in Green Oak Township.

"We found six of them yesterday, one even started a small grass fire right behind the mall," said Deputy Chief Kevin Gentry from Green Oak Twp. Fire Department.

About 3:20 p.m. July 2, the Green Oak Township Fire Department was called to a grass fire behind the Men's Warehouse at Green Oak Village Place mall. Fire crews discovered the fire originated from a homemade explosive created from a two-liter bottle and various chemicals.

"Mall security noticed the flames. Our guys were able to get the fire under control pretty quickly," said Deputy Chief Kevin Gentry. "No one was injured."

The township's police department, along with mall security, found two additional devices on mall property and three other bottle bombs in a home under construction on Brookfield Drive behind the mall.

"It is a scary thing. Kids think this is a prank, but just wait until someone gets hurt," said Stacy, of Fowlerville, which is just up Interstate 96.

Stacy frequently shops at Green Oak Village Place and now will be keeping her eye to the ground.

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"Imagine if you're walking down or kick that thing and then throw in chemicals, it's just so dangerous," Stacy said.

The explosive is typically identified by unusually colored contents and a bottle which has expanded beyond a normal size due to the chemical reaction. Anyone who comes in contact with a possible bottle bomb should back away, avoid touching the bottle and call 911.

Investigations of the origin of these devices are continuing, but police believe juveniles are behind the act.

Anyone with information should contact Green Oak Charter Township Police Department at 810-231-9626.