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Jewish Community Center in Oak Park could close

OAK PARK, Mich. – The Jewish Community Center's campus in Oak Park could be closed at the end of May if its financial outlook doesn't improve.

"The situation is that over the last number of years, the JCC has been operating at a deficit. That deficit has been funded through debt and through special gifts given through donors and/or the federation," said Jim Issner, interim CEO of the JCC. "The agency as a whole has been operating at roughly $1 million and plus deficit."

About $800,000 of the deficit is at Oak Park campus.

"We understand there's a lot of people who are upset with this potential decision," Issner said. "It's a tough decision and it doesn't fix the problem completely. But it's a very large step to being able to operate under a balanced budget."

Bob Wolf said he goes to the Oak Park facility a couple of times a week to exercise. He'll be sad if it closes.

"I like the people. I really do like the people," he said.

Yevgenia Pukalo teaches new adult immigrants English at the center in Oak Park. 

"I would say [the students] 100 percent rely on this place. They come here to learn language," she said. "They come here to learn English, and for them it's opportunity to be more educated, to help their children to go to school and do homework with them, just the basic stuff. And of course getting better jobs and having better lives."

A public meeting will be held Monday at the Oak Park campus to discuss the possible closure.

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