PORT HURON, Mich. – A Port Huron man is expected to be charged this weekend with assault and unlawful imprisonment after allegedly keeping a mentally challenged man prisoner for more than a year.
A 47-year-old man is in protective custody and recovering from whippings to his back and bruises to his arms along with other injuries. The weapons used were an electrical power cord and a baseball bat, police said.
"The injuries are pretty severe," said Det. Duane Loxton.
The police evidence photos are shocking. The beatings are allegedly at the hands of a 35-year-old so-called friend. He is being held in a police lockup.
After past beatings, he allegedly convinced the victim to lie to health care workers so that the secret sheltered life could continue, police say.
The only thing the neighbors noticed was new, smaller windows installed in the basement.
"They went to such great lengths to cover it up. This poor man was being abused. It's just despicable," Cathy Solomon, who lives nearby.

More police evidence photos show how the man was locked up with only a mattress propped up on crates and no bathroom.
The two men just moved to Port Huron and bought this house a year and a half ago.
Police say they met two years ago in Mount Clemens.
The victim has no close family.

The apparent motives are his government aid and controlling his life, police say. It finally ended when the man was able to sneak a key, unlock his sheltered life and get to the hospital.
"Was there not an agency after him? Did this man have a guardianship? This would not have happened here if that were so," said Gloria Ayers, a patient advocate.
The man could be arraigned in front of a judge this weekend. Police say he has a prior gun charge and guns were found inside the hose, but not used in this case.