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New Charles Pugh accusers come forward

DETROIT – Detectives from the Detroit Police Department's special victims unit interviewed Charles Pugh's new accuser at length on Thursday.

He filed a formal criminal sexual conduct complaint against Pugh. Police originally were contacted by the man's attorney who indicated a civil suit may be forthcoming, too. It's unclear whether he was underage at the time of the alleged contact or whether he was in Pugh's mentorship program.

Police sources told Local 4 another alleged Pugh contact called seeking guidance about his options.

Meanwhile, the attorney who successfully sued Pugh on behalf of his young client, who Pugh pursued when he was 18, said he thinks criminal charges are warranted in this case.

"I don't think that there's any question that he was guilty of solicitation and if for no other reason he should be prosecuted for that. He was offering my client money to allow him to perform sex acts on him. It's illegal," said attorney William Seikaly.

Pugh made it clear while speaking under oath that he still fears criminal prosecution.

"I'm gonna invoke my 5th Amendment rights," Pugh said multiple times during his deposition.

Seikaly has been contacted by two new potential clients making similar claims. One of them was 16 at the time of the alleged contact, but he was not in Pugh's mentorship program. The statute of limitations has run out for a civil case but the accuser said he doesn't care, "(Pugh) shouldn't get away with this." He is weighing whether to go to police.

Seikaly predicted new accusers would step forward. He said there are more text messages from another accuser.

It's not uncommon for accusers to stampede after seeing someone else awarded a big court judgement. However, it's also not uncommon for legitimate accusers to step forward once it's demonstrated they'll be treated fairly.