Romulus police chief resigns, says mayor brings 'embarrassment on community'

Chief Robert Dickerson submits letter of resignation to Romulus Mayor Alan Lambert

ROMULUS, Mich. – The Romulus police chief has resigned.

In a letter obtained by Local 4 Friday, Chief Robert Dickerson addresses Mayor Alan Lambert saying, "Your decision to stay in office, in light of what has transpired recently, has left me no choice but to submit to you my resignation."

Dickerson accuses Lambert of showing lapses in judgment and bringing "shame, mistrust, and embarrassment on the community."

"I'm hoping that sooner, rather than later, that you would consider doing the honorable thing for the community and resign from office and allow the city to move forward without the 'circus like atmosphere' that your personal decisions and legal situation has created," Dickerson wrote.

View: Romulus police chief's letter to mayor

Investigators search Romulus mayor's home

Michigan State Police spent nearly 12 hours search Lambert's home this week.

Lt. Michael Shaw said Lambert was cooperative and was allowed to leave his home after an interview with investigators.

The case involves city officials and stretches back several years, Michael Shaw said. Specifics about what police were looking for have not been released.

Trouble with former Romulus police chief

The city of Romulus drew attention in 2011 after a former police chief and five detectives were charged in an alleged scheme that used drug forfeiture money to pay for prostitutes, alcohol and marijuana, and to buy a tanning salon later operated by the then-chief's wife.

Lambert was never linked to that case.

Shaw said the latest investigation has nothing to do with the 2011 scandal.

Stay with Local 4 News and for updates to this developing story.

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