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Vietnam veterans receive special pin from Senator Peters

A note from Guy Gordon:

Within hours of airing our piece on the Vietnam vets being honored, I received this email:

Today you filmed the Vietnam news event.  You  filmed Stanley Gadawski Jr and Sr.  Senior (Stoch)  was a World War  ll veteran.  After the ceremony the New Baltimore VFW color  guard returned to VFW Post 7573 and had a drink at the club bar.  The father, son, another color guard,  and myself went out to eat with our spouses and shortly  after we started eating the World War ll vet collapsed.  We  were able to recessitate him but he eventually ended up on a  ventilator.  At this time the family is at Mt Clemens McClaren Hospital and per  Stanley's request, had the life support removed.  He  has massive heart damage and will not survive. 

Stoch recently celebrated his 97th birthday.  He was very excited to get home to see himself on Channel 4 News.  Unfortunately he never made it home but his family watched it in his hospital room while they waited for his final moment. 
You and Senator Peters made his last day on this  earth.  Thank You very much.

I also received an email from his granddaughter informing me he passed away at 9:15P Friday evening.  She said he died a very proud and happy man, after a very memorable day.  

Our sincere condolences to the Gadawski family and our thanks for sharing this amazing American hero with us and sharing his story.   We must cherish these vets and their stories while we have them. 

More than 130 Vietnam veterans gathered to receive special commemorative pins, Friday, in honor of them and the 50th anniversary of the controversial conflict.

Sen. Gary Peters hosted the ceremony honoring the war vets, and the event proved to be an emotional one.

"It's one of the greatest moments of my life. It was worth the wait." said Stan Jr. who was with his 97-year-old father to share his pride.

Landon Sitarskia, 13, accepted a pin for his grandfather, who died 5 years ago.

Local 4's Guy Gordon was there for the emotional moment of long-delayed recognition.

To inquire about receiving a pin of your own, click here.