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Henry Ford Hospital: Tests show water is safe

Bottled water was used until test result came back

DETROIT – Water tests at Henry Ford Hospital came back safe Thursday night and show the water is safe to use, according to officials.

The water on the Henry Ford Hospital Campus is safe for patients and employees use for drinking, handwashing and bathing.

The hospital used bottled water as a precaution after the hospital's tap water became discolored.

Elective surgeries that were canceled have resumed. The facilities team cleaned and replaced filters in the ice and water machines throughout the building.

The water testing results for the Center for Athletic Medicine are expected to be back early Friday morning. Patients and staff at that location are continuing to use bottled water.

Hospital spokeswoman Brenda Craig said water pipes had been flushed and chlorinated, and water was running clear Thursday afternoon, but samples had been sent for testing. She said it appeared that some type of sediment was in the water.

Craig said the hospital was fully operational and no patient procedures had been affected. Craig said the hospital is still using sterilized water for procedures, which is a standard policy.

Toilets could still be flushed, but ice and water machines were not being used.

The hospital's initial statement said the discoloration could have been tied to a pipe issue related to the M1 Rail construction on Woodward Avenue. However, Craig said the cause is still being investigated and referred all further questions to the Detroit water department or the M1 Rail.

The Detroit Water and Sewerage Department released an updated Thursday afternoon saying the water is clear at Henry Ford Hospital and the Fisher Building and there is no report of any contamination. 

A statement from DWSD reads, in part: 

"On Wednesday, construction crews activated a new water main in the area as part of ongoing infrastructure improvements along Woodward Avenue, releasing sediment through the lines that reached several buildings including Henry Ford Hospital and the Fisher Building. DWSD crews have flushed the transmission line, including the fire hydrant in front of the Hospital, forcing the sediment from the water system. The water is currently running clear, and there is no report of any contamination."

DWSD said results of water testing are expected by about 6 p.m. Thursday. 

Here's more of the water department's statement: 

"This water quality issue is isolated to New Center and does not affect any other DWSD customers. There is no danger of lead in the water system. If anyone in the area is concerned about sediment in the water, DWSD encourages them to run the water at their tap for 30 to 60 seconds to flush out the sediment. If there is discoloration and it continues after this process, do not use the water and contact DWSD Field Services immediately at 313-267-7401."

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