SPOTLIGHT: Stevenson sophomore exceeds in Cross Country and leads in community

Fan Choice Award winner Ryland Hughes strives to help the community around him

Hughes takes stride at one of his cross country meets. (Photo/Krista Tanner)

Favorite subject in school: Math

Hometown: Livonia

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Favorite place in hometown: Rotary Park

Favorite lunch at school: Pizza

Role Model: Coach Chris Inch and brother Landon

Fan Choice Award winners have been announced and the winner for Favorite Sophomore in Boys Cross Country is Livonia Stevenson’s Ryland Hughes! Hughes is an up-and-coming star for Stevenson’s cross country team, and even got to run on the high school team as an 8th grader.

“I am truly indebted to the skills and techniques I’ve been taught by my coaches since I got here,” Hughes said. “They set me up for success.”

Although cross country may be considered an individual sport, Stevenson’s team has camaraderie that rivals any team sport.

“Our group of gentleman is incredibly supportive of each other,” Hughes said. “No man is left behind after any race, as we all stand at the finish line and cheer until everyone on our team crosses it.”

Hughes looks at the individuality of cross country as a good challenge for himself.

“You’re constantly battling against yourself to beat your own record in this sport,” Hughes said. “I think that’s the coolest part about it: if you stick with cross country, you are guaranteed to see better results in the end.”

Outside of cross country, Hughes is a representative for Stevenson’s Global Education Class Council, a volunteer and advocacy group at the school.

“The motto of our council is ‘think globally, act locally’, so we embrace the motto by raising money for local charities or volunteering at service events,” Hughes said. “When I don’t have a meet, you can normally find me volunteering at either the Miracle League of Plymouth, a local baseball league for special needs children, or at Parkrun, a weekly free 5K run.”

Even though he knows it’s difficult, Ryland hopes to run cross country in college, and he knows that if he does, his two biggest supporters will be right there watching him.

“My parents have never missed a meet,” Hughes said. “If you come to one of our meets, you can hear my mom yelling from just about any part of the course, so I would maybe not stand directly next to her.”

Congratulations to Ryland on the award and awesome work in the community!

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