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Ann Arbor YMCA to distribute produce boxes in Ypsilanti Township Thursday

Boxes of produce will be given to anyone in need in Ypsilanti Township on June 4, 2020. (Pexels)

ANN ARBOR – The Ann Arbor YMCA, in partnership with Detroit-based Lagrasso Brothers Produce, will be distributing boxes of produce to anyone in need on Thursday in Ypsilanti Township.

Distribution will take place at 1500 South Huron Road from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m., or while supplies last. The property is across the street from the Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Office Ypsilanti Township Law Enforcement Center.

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The effort is part of the United States Department of Agriculture’s Farmers to Families Food Box program under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act.

Communities around the country whose workforce has been deeply impacted by the closure of food service businesses, restaurants, hotels and more are eligible to receive agricultural products from national, regional and local suppliers.

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“Our YMCA will be receiving a weekly shipment from Lagrasso Brothers Produce in Detroit and collaborating with several of our existing community partners to deliver and distribute produce boxes at their locations," Ann Arbor YMCA President and CEO Toni Kayumi said in a news release.

"Each free 15 pound box of produce will include items such as potatoes, onions, apples, oranges, peppers, cucumbers, asparagus and lettuce. We’ll also provide recipes for some of the fruits and vegetables included in each box, to encourage families to make new and healthy meal items together at home.”

1500 S. Huron Road in Ypsilanti Township is a 24.9 acre parcel of land that the Township has donated to the Y for its future East Washtenaw County branch location.

Staff members from the Y will be on site on Thursday to provide more information about its future branch site and in-person summer day camps this season.

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