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4 study tips for students stuck at home

(AP photo by Michael Rubinkam)

Whether you’re on campus or off, studying for virtual classes can be a challenge. If you’re around Ann Arbor and looking for a way to help change up your study routine, here’s a few tips:

Check out the campus libraries:

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Library services are still available to UofM students virtually, but did you know that there are still opportunities to go and study in-person? Shapiro undergraduate library is offering seats by reservation. As a part of new social distancing measures, there are new rules in place including a ban on food and drinks, and no group or paired studying. Masks will also be required.

Even with the new rules, the library can be a great place for students looking for a quiet place to study. Setting aside a space to study that is different from where you spend the rest of your time can also help keep you focused. Students can reserve spaces through the University of Michigan Library website, here.

Outdoor study spaces:

If the library isn’t for you, or if there just aren’t any spaces when you need them, UofM has also set up outdoor study spaces with tables and wifi. There are tents around campus for you to study at, including on Ingalls mall next to the MLB, and on the Diag.

The University’s wifi extends over several outdoor spaces, so pack up some snacks and a blanket, and take the chance to get outside while it’s still warm out. Setting up your own outdoor study space can also allow you to study together with roommates. There is even a full map of coverage areas and wifi hotspots provided by the university to help you plan where to study.

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Zoom study sessions with friends:

It may not be ideal, but there are still options for students who like to study in a social group.

Get in touch with a friend, or even send a direct message to a new classmate and set up a time to work together online.

You can get creative and use Zoom’s screen share feature to broadcast study games on sites like quizlet and kahoot, or easily share slides from class while you work.

Take breaks:

If you find that your own room is the best place for you to work, don’t forget to take breaks or get out once and awhile.

Getting away from your study space for a bit can help prevent burnout. Take a walk to the Arb, pick up some coffee, or just order takeout and close your laptop for a while.

RELATED: 4 student-friendly takeout spots in Ann Arbor

Picking up coffee can get expensive, but if you have left over Dining Dollars or Blue Bucks, you can spend them in the MDining cafes across campus. Some cafes are closed or under limited hours, which you can check here.