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Washtenaw County opens second mass COVID-19 vaccination site in Chelsea

Site in partnership with St. Joseph Mercy Chelsea, Chelsea School District

Pierce Lake Elementary School in Chelsea, Mich. (Washtenaw County Health Department)

YPSILANTI, Mich. – The Washtenaw County Health Department had announced it is adding a second mass COVID-19 vaccination center on the county’s west side.

The new center will open on Tuesday at Pierce Lake Elementary School at 275 N. Freer Road in Chelsea. The site, which is not currently used as a school building, will administer roughly 324 vaccinations per day and increase appointments as supplies allow. The Health Department will run the site in collaboration with St. Joseph Mercy Chelsea hospital and Chelsea School District.

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Appointments for those eligible for vaccination under Michigan’s prioritization guidelines can be requested online or by calling the Health Department at 734-544-6700 or dialing 2-1-1.

“We continue to use all of our resources to make sure we give available vaccine as quickly as possible,” health officer with Washtenaw County Health Department, Jimena Loveluck, said in a statement. “We remain grateful for the support of our partners and the patience of our community members. Our vaccine supplies are increasing, and we look forward to vaccinating everyone who is ready to be vaccinated as soon as possible.”

Read: Washtenaw County, St. Joe’s Ann Arbor open mass COVID-19 vaccination site at Eastern Michigan University

The county’s two mass vaccination sites, including one that opened earlier this year at Eastern Michigan University, are just one part of Washtenaw County’s vaccination strategy. Other strategies include the county’s Nurse on the Run mobile vaccination program, pop-up community vaccination sites and coordination with pharmacies and health care providers.

St. Joseph Mercy Chelsea hospital has been administering COVID-19 vaccines to eligible residents in western Washtenaw County. The hospital will eventually move all of its vaccination operations to Pierce Lake Elementary as it ramps up.

“We are pleased to be working with the Washtenaw County Health Department and the Chelsea School District to offer additional vaccination opportunities to our community,” Chief Nursing Officer at St. Joseph Mercy Chelsea, Cheryl Taylor, said in a statement. “A mass vaccination site in western Washtenaw County will enable more residents to be vaccinated closer to home as vaccine supply allows.”

“We are happy to collaborate with the Washtenaw County Health Department and St. Joseph Mercy Chelsea to provide a site in western Washtenaw County for our community to receive their vaccines,” Superintendentof Chelsea School District Dr. Julie Helber said in a statement.

On Monday, Michigan expanded its vaccine eligibility to include those 50 years of age or older with medical conditions or disabilities and guardians or caregivers of children who have special health care needs. However, the Health Department said it will likely take “several weeks or more” for this newly eligible group to receive an appointment due to limited supply.

On Monday, March 22, everyone 50 years of age and older will be eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccine.

The Washtenaw County Health Department said it cannot offer residents a choice of which vaccine they receive -- whether it be Pfizer, Moderna or Janssen/Johnson & Johnson. Individuals will receive whatever vaccine is available at the time of their appointment.