Ann Arbor’s Bookbound Bookstore announces permanent closure

Bookbound is located inside The Courtyard Shops on Ann Arbor's northside. (Meredith Bruckner)

ANN ARBOR – The owners of Bookbound Bookstore on the city’s northside announced on Wednesday evening they will be closing their doors for good this summer.

Peter and Megan Blackshear made the announcement on social media and in an email to customers, saying that the pandemic was not a factor in their decision to close the bookshop they’ve independently owned for nearly eight years.

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“We have been considering this decision for a couple of years,” the Blackshears wrote in an email. “For the record, this is not due to the pandemic, nor is it due to rising rents (we discussed the possibility of extending our lease and our landlords’ offer was surprisingly generous).

“As much as we love books, the day-to-day of the store, and all of you, it’s time to focus on our family, friends, and all of the other things we’ve set aside. We opened and operated our dream bookstore for nearly 8 years and we consider this a success! We hope you see it that way too, and can understand and respect our decision.”

They said they will likely close in June or July and wanted to give their patrons advance warning of the closure.

Due to COVID, the Blackshears have not allowed customers inside the shop for more than a year. They said they hope to invite people back into the store after they are fully vaccinated and as long as COVID case numbers and vaccination rates continue to improve.

“We aim to re-open for safe, in-store shopping some time in June, and to offer some clearance sales and deals and all those things you’d expect,” reads an email to customers. “There are a lot of variables so we can’t promise anything or set a date yet, but we will keep you all updated as we go.”

For now, curbside pickup is still available from noon to 6 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday.

While they said they will be adding “very few” new books, they are able to place special orders through the end of May.

Their online store will remain active, but the owners announced they are no longer selling gift certificates and they are no longer accepting applicants for their local author consignment program.

As for what’s next, the Blackshears said it is still unclear what lies ahead, but that they look forward to enjoying some time to decompress.

“First, we want to assure you that we really are okay,” reads an email to customers. “We will rest and decompress, and we will take care of our physical and mental health in a way that we haven’t been able to for years. We will catch up with friends and family. We will play with our puppy and take her for hikes in the woods.

“We will read and write, and we might keep a book-related online presence: a newsletter, blog, and a Bookshop affiliate page (although this may not be immediate). In the short term, we will indulge in what this academic town may recognize as a sabbatical.”

Bookbound Bookstore is at 1729 Plymouth Rd.

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