Ann Arbor Summer Festival announces upcoming in-person and digital programming

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ANN ARBOR, Mich. – RSVP concerts, interactive performances and new podcast episodes are just a few things to expect from Ann Arbor Summer Festival (A2SF) this year.

On Thursday, the Tree Town organization announced new summer programming that includes both in-person and digital events.

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Events start on June 11.

Community members can check out in-person events around Washtenaw County including pop-up neighborhood concerts, RSVP-based concerts, movies at Fuller Park, a community-based dance event, a theater installation and Sidewalk Chalk Day.

This year, A2SF has commissioned an original piece live theatrical experience for one of its digital events. Online audiences will see an interactive performance by Brooklyn-based 600 Highwaymen co-presented with University of Michigan Museum of Art.

Ticket reservations for many A2SF programs will go on sale on May 20 through the Ann Arbor Summer Fest website.

For outdoor events, A2SF is working with local officials for its limited capacity events and will follow safety guidelines from the State of Michigan, Washtenaw County, the City of Ann Arbor and other local municipalities.

Here’s a bit of what to expect:

Tiny TOPs

Starting May 20, community members can reserve a special outdoor performance from one of 20 featured artists. Concerts can be arranged June 11-July 3 at outdoor locations around Tree Town.

Live Here Now

These pop-up concerts will happen all over Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti, Ypsilanti Township and Superior Township between June 11 and June 3.

To attend, community members will register via RSVP forms for each event. Registration begins May 20. Featured artists include George Bedard and the Kingpins, Ki5, Dani Darling, and Peter Madcat Ruth & C.A.R.Ma. Quartet.

On June 16, there will be two special Live Here Now performances of Garba360, which celebrate the dance tradition of garba. Attendees will learn Gujarati folk dances and listen to live music. Tickets will go on sale on May 20.

Read: Ann Arbor Summer Festival announces adapted 2021 season

A Thousand Ways (Part One): A Phone Call:

Digital audience members, and total strangers, will work together online to follow a set of directives to learn about each other and the unseen voice. Tickets cost $5-10 and will go on sale May 27. The online event will run from July 13-18.

Stories from the Top Podcast

Started in 2020, the podcast features artists, educators, and entrepreneurs connected to Southeast Michigan. Each episode follows the participants as they share their stories about making connections, inspiration and their processes.

New episodes start May 27 and will be released weekly.

Find more events on the Ann Arbor Summer Festival website.

About the Author
Sarah Parlette headshot

Sarah has worked for WDIV since June 2018. She covers community events, good eats and small businesses in Ann Arbor and has a Master's degree in Applied Linguistics from Grand Valley State University.