Fall Garden Walk to explore three green spaces in Ann Arbor on Sunday

Dahlia in bloom. (Pixabay)

ANN ARBOR – Ann Arbor Farm & Garden’s Fall Garden Walk returns on Sunday from noon to 5 p.m. and will give participants access to three green spaces in and around Matthaei Botanical Gardens.

One of the spaces is the Campus Farm at Matthaei Botanical Gardens, a living learning lab where University of Michigan students grow food and learn about sustainable food systems. Small groups will be led on tours by Campus Farm students who will provide behind-the-scenes access to production areas that are typically closed to the general public.

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Upon arrival, attendees will received signups for the small group tours. A one-hour minimum is suggested for the visit to the farm.

Read: U-M Campus Farm: Food grown by students, for students

Nearby, two private gardens will be on display, which “have each been lovingly tended by their owners for more than 30 years,” reads the event website. “Both feature sweeping beds of perennials, specimen trees and shrubs, shady paths, and pollinator-friendly native plants. One is anchored by an 1840 farmhouse while the other is a traditional subdivision corner lot. September brings new colors and shapes to these lovely landscapes.”

Admission is $10 per person and only cash or checks will be accepted. All proceeds will support gardeners and nonprofit garden projects around Washtenaw County.

For descriptions of the gardens, an event map and parking instructions, visit the event website.

Guests must pay for parking at Matthaei Botanical Gardens (members of the gardens park for free).

Face masks are strongly encouraged at the event, and will be provided along with hand sanitizer at each garden. According to the latest U-M policy, masks are required to be worn inside the buildings at the botanical gardens.