University of Michigan: COVID cases elevated among employees; student cases remain low

ANN ARBOR – University of Michigan officials reported on Tuesday that COVID cases among employees remain elevated while student cases are still on a “lower-level plateau.”

In their weekly COVID update, officials said cases among employees are mostly connected to household and community exposures.

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Student cases currently account for 3% of the total cases in Washtenaw County, and officials said testing at the school’s health center was lower last week during U-M’s Fall Break.

Students that do test positive for COVID continue to experience mild symptoms and the occupancy at the school’s Quarantine & Isolation Housing currently stands at 1.4%.

Read: University of Michigan: Employees not in compliance with vaccine policy will face work suspension, termination

According to the announcement, Michigan Medicine is preparing to vaccinate children ages 5-11 against COVID-19 pending approval by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Food and Drug Administration.

The health system continues to recommend booster shots for those eligible to receive them.

As of Tuesday morning, the rates of U-M community members on the Ann Arbor campus reporting being fully vaccinated include:

  • Students: 97%
  • Faculty: 97%
  • Staff: 89%

Earlier this week, U-M announced sanctions on employees who fail to comply with its COVID vaccine mandate. Faculty and staff who do not comply by deadlines set by the university will face work suspension and eventually employment termination if they do not show proof of vaccination or receive an approved religious or medical exemption.