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Here’s what you need to know about the four proposals on Tuesday’s ballot

Ann Arbor special election to be held Tuesday

"I Voted" stickers waiting to be handed out to U-M community members who vote at the satellite office. (Sarah M. Parlette / WDIV)

ANN ARBOR, Mich. – During Tuesday’s special election, Ann Arbor voters will see four new proposals on the ballot.

The proposals make amendments to the city charter to include procedures of best value purchasing, ranked choice voting, emergency procurement and monetary limits on purchases.

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Voters can register to vote in person at the City Clerk’s Office, at 301 E. Huron St., until 8 p.m. on Tuesday if they have proof of residency.

City polling places will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m, and those in line by 8 p.m. will be eligible to vote, said the city of Ann Arbor events calendar.

Absentee ballots must be returned by 8 p.m. on Tuesday. Six drop boxes can be found around Tree Town and will close at 8 p.m. Find them here.

Here’s our breakdown:

Proposal A

This proposal would require the city government to give contracts for supplies, materials or public improvements to the bidder offering the “best value” instead of the “lowest responsible bidder.” This means the city will be able to take extra factors into consideration when awarding contracts.

Proposal B

Under this proposal, the city charter would be amended to utilize the ranked-choice voting method if and when it is authorized under Michigan state law.

Elected officials, including Ann Arbor City Council members and the city’s mayor, would be nominated and elected through ranked choice voting.

Proposal C

If passed, this proposal amends section 14.2 of the city charter to establish a procedure, through a city ordinance, for how the Ann Arbor City Administrator can make emergency purchases.

Proposal D

This proposal would allow the Ann Arbor City Council to delegate purchasing power to the City Administrator.

The administrator would have the ablility to make purchases or enter into contracts for the city that are equal to or under $75,000, with adjustments for inflation.

Find example ballots at

About the Author
Sarah Parlette headshot

Sarah has worked for WDIV since June 2018. She covers community events, good eats and small businesses in Ann Arbor and has a Master's degree in Applied Linguistics from Grand Valley State University.