Ann Arbor named third best Wordle city in United States

Some of you are really, really good at guessing

ANN ARBOR, Mich. – Ann Arbor is full of Wordle nerds, according to a new study.

The Michigan city was ranked the third best city across the United States for those who love to play the daily word puzzle game.

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Owned by the New York Times, the free game has taken the world by storm and has almost 3 million users around the world. Every day, players have six tries to guess a new five-letter word. As players guess, letters are highlighted in different colors. Letters not in the daily word are highlighted grey, letters in the word but in the wrong spot are yellow and those in the right spot are green., a word game helper website, recently compiled a list of top spots around the world that rocked at playing Wordle.

Using data from over 195,000 tweets from January of this year, the study found that people in the United States, on average, needed 3.92 guesses to complete the daily puzzle.

Ann Arborites only needed 3.59 guesses. That’s .03 and .08 guesses more than top-ranking U.S. cities Saint Paul, Minnesota, and Reading, Pennsylvania, which had guessing averages of 3.51 and 3.56, respectively.

Across the world, Australians were the most voracious Wordle players, with three Australian cities featuring in the top 10 cities.

Sweden was the country with the best player guess average (3.72) narrowly edging out Poland, Switzerland, Belgium, Israel, South Africa and Australia, which all had daily averages below 3.90 guesses. The U.S. came in at number 18.

Here are the top 10 best Wordle solving cities in the U.S. (and their averages):

  1. Saint Paul, MN - 3.51
  2. Reading, PA - 3.56
  3. Ann Arbor, MI - 3.59
  4. Berkeley, CA - 3.61
  5. Malden, MA - 3.62
  6. Tulsa, OK - 3.62
  7. Richmond, VA - 3.63
  8. Portsmouth, NH - 3.64
  9. Waukesha, WI - 3.64
  10. Nashville, TN - 3.66

Learn more about the study here.

About the Author
Sarah Parlette headshot

Sarah has worked for WDIV since June 2018. She covers community events, good eats and small businesses in Ann Arbor and has a Master's degree in Applied Linguistics from Grand Valley State University.
