Spring-themed community ‘bike-in’ set for Friday in Ann Arbor

Bike path symbol. (Pixabay)

ANN ARBOR – Cycling enthusiasts and community members are invited to participate in a “bike-in” on Friday.

The event will take place at the Kerrytown Market at 7 p.m. and “will continue at a leisurely pace around town,” according to the event’s Facebook page.

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Organizers said riders can plan on cycling a route of eight miles or less within the city limits and a stop in the middle.

The group behind the effort is Bike-In Ann Arbor, which gathers on the last Friday of the month for a community ride and then “biking-in” to a local business or green setting.

The theme for this year’s bike-in is “In Bloom” so participants are encouraged to wear florals to celebrate the spring season.

After the bike-in, the group will head over to Bløm Meadworks to enjoy mead and cider. Ride participants will receive 10% off their purchase.

For more information, click here.

To learn more about Bike In Ann Arbor and to follow their events, click here.