Washtenaw County returns to “medium” COVID level, says CDC

Hundreds of hungry eaters descend on downtown Tree Town for Taste of Ann Arbor 2022. (Sarah Parlette, WDIV)

ANN ARBOR – On Thursday just before the holiday weekend, Washtenaw County rolled back to a “medium” COVID risk level, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The county had only been categorized as a “low” COVID-19 transmission area for six days before it returned to a moderate risk level.

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Though the CDC recommendation does not include broad masking at this level, the health agency still encourages people to make decisions on face coverings based on their own preferences.

As with all levels, anyone who tests positive, has symptoms or has a known exposure to someone with the virus should wear a mask, according to the CDC’s website. KN95, N95 and multilayer surgical masks are recommended.

According to the Washtenaw County Health Department’s website, cases are on the rise, with children ages 5-11 reporting more probable and confirmed infections than the 12-17 age group.

From June 21-27, the weekly positive case rate in the county was 11.7%. The Health Department also reported seven new outbreaks at daycares and preschools between June 3-30.

For more information, visit the Health Department’s COVID-19 case site.