Wildlife rescue: Watch an Ann Arbor police officer rescue deer stuck in netting

Oh deer! AAPD officer untangles buck trapped in backyard

File image of a deer. (Texas Parks and Wildlife Department)

ANN ARBOR – “While he didn’t stick around to say thanks, we are pretty sure that the deer is now Officer Dattolo’s biggest fan,” said Ann Arbor Police Department officials on Facebook.

On Wednesday around 8:25 a.m., police received a call to help a curious Cervidae who had gotten suck in a resident’s backyard.

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In bodycam footage, Officer Dattolo can be seen freeing, and reassuring, the panicked buck, which had seriously tangled itself up in tight sports netting.

After it’s free from netting, the deer cartoonishly flails into a saw horse and needs Officer Dattolo’s help to again.

Luckily, it is able to make a frantic and noisy getaway from the scene.

Check out the video below:

About the Author
Sarah Parlette headshot

Sarah has worked for WDIV since June 2018. She covers community events, good eats and small businesses in Ann Arbor and has a Master's degree in Applied Linguistics from Grand Valley State University.