Here’s the full schedule for University of Michigan’s Presidential Inauguration on Tuesday

Traditions return to Ann Arbor campus as Santa J. Ono becomes school’s 15th president

President Santa J. Ono speaks with members of the U-M community, including Provost Laurie McCauley (right), at a tailgate party that he attended during a recent visit to campus. (Scott C. Soderberg | Michigan Photography)

ANN ARBOR – Santa J. Ono will be formally installed as the 15th president of the University of Michigan on Tuesday.

The celebration includes both private and public events for members of the community.

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“The ceremony will feature long-established U-M traditions including an academic procession, special musical selections, speakers, performers and the traditional President’s Address where Dr. Ono will share his vision for the future of the university,” reads an event release.

Inauguration Day will kick off with a symposium from 9-11:30 a.m. at the Stamps Auditorium Walgreen Drama Center at 1226 Murfin Ave.

Due to limited capacity for in-person audience members, the event will be livestreamed on YouTube.

Symposium topics include “The University and Its Community: Past, Present and Future” and “Working Together to Tackle the Climate Crisis.”

The Installation Ceremony will take place from 3-4 p.m. at Hill Auditorium. Prior to the event, watch a procession on Ingalls Mall of U-M leaders, faculty, student flag bearers and international representatives from various universities in their academic regalia.

Complementary tickets to the general public can be reserved here.

Can’t attend? The procession will be livestreamed here.

Hill Auditorium is located at 825 N. University Ave.

A Community Reception will be held from 4-5:30 p.m. on Ingalls Mall at 881 North University Ave. directly following the Installation Ceremony. According to an event release, this event will have limited in-person capacity and can be livestreamed on YouTube.