City, county conducting controlled ecological burns in Ann Arbor’s Belize Park on Friday

NAP staff and volunteers conduct a controlled burn in Ann Arbor. (City of Ann Arbor Natural Area Preservation)

ANN ARBOR – Controlled burns are taking place Friday at Belize Park on Kingsley and First Street in rain gardens and stormwater features.

The purpose of the burns is to encourage native plants to thrive while reducing invasive species. By burning the prairie-like areas, their ecosystems continue to flourish.

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The burns are being conducted by contractor PlantWise, LLC and are funded by the City of Ann Arbor Systems Planning Unit with support by the Washtenaw County Water Resources Commissioner’s Office.

“Deep rooted native plants make soils more absorbent,” reads a WCWRC release. “Spongier soils reduce runoff which can cause problems downstream.”

The Ann Arbor Fire Department issued burn permits for each site prior to the burns.

For more information about controlled burns by WCWRC, click here.