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Take Back the Night Ann Arbor to mark 45 years with rally, march on Wednesday

Annual event aims to raise awareness about sexual violence

Students march at the 38th annual Take Back the Night Ann Arbor on April 6, 2016 (Photo: Ruby Wallah)

ANN ARBOR – The annual Take Back the Night Ann Arbor rally and march returns on Wednesday to raise awareness about sexual violence.

The event is now in its 45th year and can be attended in-person at the University of Michigan Union Ballroom or virtually. Doors will open at 6:30 p.m. and the rally will begin at 7 p.m.

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The rally will feature speakers activist Kyle Richard from It’s On Us and Ann Arbor Mayor Christopher Taylor, as well as performances by G-Men and the Harmonettes, Groove and Sophia VonStardust. The emcee for the event will be advocate Nicole Denson.

TBTN Ann Arbor is a volunteer-run event and is put on by the student organization University Students Against Rape and Standing Tough Against Rape Society.

It will be available for streaming at

Tickets are free and the event is open to the public.

Sponsors for the 2023 rally include SafeHouse Center, Planned Parenthood, Drifter Coffee, Ann Arbor Tortilla Factory, Central Student Government, PS I Love You Ceremonies, and Prestige Entertainment.

The Michigan Union is located at 530 S. State St.

For more information, visit the event’s website.