Section of Geddes Avenue closes in Ann Arbor through June 9

Road closed sign (WDIV)

ANN ARBOR – Geddes Avenue from Observatory to Hill Streets closed on Monday morning for repairs and improvements to the street and sidewalks.

The full closure is expected to last through June 9, when Geddes will open up to westbound traffic only.

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According to a city release, contractor Ajax Paving Industries and its subcontractors will be performing public utility work, full depth pavement removal and replacement and sidewalk improvements.

During construction, local traffic, trash, recycling and compost collection, mail, deliveries and emergency vehicles will be able to access the area.

Crews will be doing work Monday-Friday from 7 a.m.-5:30 p.m.

The city posted the following traffic detours:

  • Eastbound traffic on Geddes Avenue will be detoured south on Observatory Street, southeast on Washtenaw Avenue, east on Hill Street, back to Geddes Avenue.
  • Westbound traffic will be detoured west on Hill Street, northwest on Washtenaw, north on Observatory, back to Geddes Avenue.
  • Elm, Walnut and Linden streets will be open to two-way traffic during this phase. On-street parking will not be affected.

Pedestrians will be able to access Geddes Avenue sidewalks throughout the project. Detours will be posted when sidewalk replacement work begins.

Pedestrian access will be maintained on the Geddes Avenue sidewalks, with detours posted as necessary during sidewalk replacement work.