Downtown gallery hosting show by local artist on race, identity in Ann Arbor

Ann Arbor artist Asha Jordan working in downtown Ann Arbor. (Jefferey Deloach , Asha Jordan / Jefferey Deloach)

ANN ARBOR, Mich. – Tree Town native artist Asha Jordan explores race, identity and hiding one’s true self in her latest exhibition at CultureVerse.

The downtown gallery at 309 S. Main St. will host Jordan’s collection, titled Being Black In Ann Arbor, until Sunday, Aug. 27.

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“When you’re in a predominantly white area you have to hide your true self. We live in our own bubble. Sometimes we just want to break free and be unapologetically black. Being Black in Ann Arbor - here I unveil the black experience,” Jordan said.

Her vibrant art and murals have been featured at several events including A2 Summer Streets, Ann Arbor Art Fair, Westside Art Hop, Neutral Zone, Ypsilanti’s Riverside Arts Center and the Detroit Selfie Museum.

The exhibition kicked off on Aug. 17 with free entertainment, food and drinks, and members of the original Black Panther chapter in Detroit.

A list of additional special events for the exhibition can be found here.

About the Author

Sarah has worked for WDIV since June 2018. She covers community events, good eats and small businesses in Ann Arbor and has a Master's degree in Applied Linguistics from Grand Valley State University.

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