ANN ARBOR, Mich. – Sales from Shamrock Shakes have resulted in a $59,488 donation to Ann Arbor’s Ronald McDonald House.
The nonprofit, at 1600 Washington Heights, offers housing and resources to the families of children receiving treatment at C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital and other area hospitals. So far, it has worked with more than 32,000 families since its chapter opened in 1985.
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Officials from Tree Town area McDonald’s locations presented a check to RMHC Ann Arbor staff in late May.
This past spring, 25 cents from each Shamrock Shake sold at almost 500 locations in Michigan was given to Ronald McDonald House Charities in Ann Arbor, Detroit, Grand Rapids and Lansing totaling $361,440.50.

Here’s what each charity received:
- RMHC of West Michigan - $122,554.50
- RMHC of Detroit - $94,772
- RMHC of Mid-Michigan - $84,626
- RMHC of Ann Arbor - $59,488
The donations given in 2024 surpass the $334,692.50 raised through Shamrock Shake sales in 2023.
Learn more about RMHC of Ann Arbor here.