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WDIV/Detroit News poll: Marijuana, redistricting, voter access measures above 50 percent support

Michigan voters are poised to approve three major ballot measures in November, according to a WDIV/Detroit News poll.

New polling data shows support above 50 percent for Proposal 1, Proposal 2 and Proposal 3.

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Related: Michigan statewide ballot proposals for 2018 November election: What you need to know

Support for marijuana proposal grows

For the first time, voters were read the exact ballot language of Proposal 1 to legalize recreational marijuana in Michigan. By a margin of 62.0 percent-35.0 percent, voters support legalization with only 3.0 percent undecided.

45.7 percent strongly SUPPORT legalization while only 28.7 percent strongly oppose legalization. 

Definite voters support the proposal 61.5 percent-34.5 percent.  45.6 percent of definite voters strongly support the proposal while 29.5 percent strongly oppose the proposal.   

The differences by age are significantly larger than the differences by party affiliation.  The ONLY partisan affiliation opposed to this proposal are strong Republican voters at 36.1 percent-60.7 percent.  

They differ sharply from Leaning Republicans, Independent voters and Democratic voters.

Support boosted for redistricting proposal

By a margin of 55.0 percent-22.7 percent, Michigan voters would support Proposal 2 to establish an independent redistricting commission.   

  • 35.0 percent strongly support the proposal while only 12.2 percent strongly oppose the proposal.   
  • 22.3 percent of voters remain undecided.   
  • Definite voters support the proposal 55.9 percent-22.9 percent.   

These numbers -- which are the first to test exact ballot language – represent a sharp departure from the September survey which saw muddled support at 37.8 percent-31.4 percent in support, with 30.8 percent undecided. 

The chart below compares the proposal by party affiliation. The strongest support comes from Democratic voters.  

But Independent voters now support the proposal at 54-27 percent -- a 2-1 margin of support. Even a plurality of Republican voters support the redistricting proposal.

  • Outstate voters support the proposal 51.8 percent-25.4 percent.
  • Metro Detroit voters support the proposal  58.4 percent-19.8 percent.

Voter access, absentee voting proposal has overwhelming support

By a margin of 71.6 percent-18.7 percent, voters STRONGLY support passage of Proposal 3 that would allow no reason absentee ballot voting.  

Again this survey represents the first time we have tested specific wording that will appear on the ballot. 

  • 46.3 percent of voters strongly support this proposal while only 12.2 percent strongly oppose this proposal.
  • Definite voters support this proposal by a margin of 70.7 percent-19.3 percent.

All party affiliations support this proposal with only strong Republican voters showing stronger levels of opposition. Strong Republican voters look very different from the remainder of voters on this proposal.


The Glengariff Group, Inc. conducted a Michigan statewide survey of November 2018 likely general election voters.   The 600 sample, live operator telephone survey was conducted on September 30-October 2, 2018 and has a margin of error of +/-4.0 percent with a 95 percent level of confidence.   65.0 percent of respondents were contacted via landline telephone.   35.0 percent of respondents were contacted via cell phone telephone.   This survey was commissioned by WDIV Local 4 and the Detroit News.   

About the Author
Ken Haddad headshot

Ken Haddad has been with Local 4/ClickOnDetroit since 2013. He helps lead news coverage and content across broadcast and digital platforms. He's from the Metro Detroit area, and loves covering important news (and sports) in his hometown.
