Detroit Golf Club members team up to help frontline workers

'It was an amazing feeling," Matt Thatcher says

An aerial view of the Detroit Golf Club (WDIV)

DETROIT – A group of golfers from the Detroit Golf Club wanted to get off the sidelines and do something to help others during the COVID-19 pandemic.

About 40 Metro Detroit professionals from all walks of life saw a chance to help others in their community and decided to pitch in and help.

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“The experience was so good that every guy in the group donated more money,” said Matt Thatcher. “We kept putting our own money in because it just was such an amazing feeling and we just knew that we were really making a big difference.”

The members of the Detroit Golf Club formed a group they call The Go Team in order to help first responders.

“We started a group donation and we raised -- as a group -- $5,000-6,000,” Thatcher said. “From there, we took that money, we purchased PP and after a few weeks it arrived, and we were able to disperse that to numerous hospitals and directly into the hands of some specific departments and ER rooms.”

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They had no idea they’d get such a big response.

“We just decided that we had too much talent and resources to sit on the sidelines and just kind of wait for this to pass,” Thatcher said. “So we decided to raise money ourselves and donate as much PP as we could source to local hospitals.”

From there, they decided to start supporting local restaurants by using their food truck to deliver meals to doctors and nurses in local hospitals.

“It’s just one of those feelings that it’s a rewarding feeling that’s just deeper than making a donation or giving blood. It just it really really hits in the heart. I said these are the people that would help me or my family if we were sick,” Thatcher said. “Helping them do their therapy safer is the deepest feeling of reward that you could experience. It’s extremely deep and heartfelt.”

If you’d like to donate to help The Go Team, click here.

For more information, visit The Go Team’s official Facebook page here.

About the Authors
Dane Kelly headshot

Dane is a producer and media enthusiast. He previously worked freelance video production and writing jobs in Michigan, Georgia and Massachusetts. Dane graduated from the Specs Howard School of Media Arts.