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Food-raiser provides 500 meals for those in need in Detroit

Another food giveaway planned for January

DETROIT – A Detroit ministry gave away 500 meals to anyone in need on Christmas, supporting restaurants while doing it.

The Habit of Kindness Food-raiser was provided by Deo Gratias Ministries. Buying the meals helped 21 restaurant workers remain employed.

READ: Detroit convent sets up charity that helps local businesses, families stay afloat

On Friday, the meals were given away at two locations in Detroit to anyone who needed a Christmas dinner. The ministry raised more than $30,000.

“We are going to be doing food giveaways again throughout the winter a few more times because we raised so much from our food-raiser funds. And we’ll do it again when people need a good meal,” said Sister Shelley Jeffrey with Deo Gratias Ministries.

The ministry plans to have two more giveaways in January to feed another 2,400 people.

About the Author
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DeJanay Booth joined WDIV as a web producer in July 2020. She previously worked as a news reporter in New Mexico before moving back to Michigan.
