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Corktown business uses creativity to help bring people together, help less fortunate

‘The best way to engage people is to engage them in teams’

DETROIT – A local business downtown is doing its part to re-unite coworkers who are inching their way back into offices.

Team strengthening, team building, team bonding and more can be brightly twisted together at Detroit Dye House in Corktown.

As workers slowly migrate back into the office, they’re looking forward to getting to actually know each other.

Whether you walk off the street with a couple of friends you’re reconnecting with, or a business looking for a way to build a bond or get team members acquainted, the singular act of learning, laughing and creating can be an important jump restart.

“Team building I think is one of the most important things that an employer can do,” said David Strubler, a professor at Oakland University.

Strubler, an HR expert, said that any team building or team bonding exercises outside of the office are good business.

You aren’t just helping your team at Detroit Dye House. For the price of admission -- $55 per person -- you make three items, but only keep two. The other item goes to the homeless.

Detroit Dye House does walk-in appointments, family events and classes to bring friends back together after a long separation. More information can be found on Detroit Dye House’s official website here.

You can watch Paula Tutman’s full story in the video above.

More: Community news

About the Authors
Dane Kelly headshot

Dane is a producer and media enthusiast. He previously worked freelance video production and writing jobs in Michigan, Georgia and Massachusetts. Dane graduated from the Specs Howard School of Media Arts.