Rod Meloni is helping local families stop living paycheck to paycheck

These tips can help you break the cycle

Roughly 60% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck. It’s a living...but there IS a better way.

Starting Monday morning at 6:30, Local 4′s financial expert Rod Meloni is sitting down with Metro Detroiters in various stages of life and facing different money situations and using his experience to help them break out of this never-ending cycle.

First up is a family of 4 facing financial woes that are all too common. From mortgage payment tips to saving a bundle on insurance, find out what Rod recommends that should help them get off the hamster wheel, and see how his advice could help you too!

Don’t miss Paycheck to Paycheck: Breaking The Cycle, starting Monday morning at 6:30 on Local 4 News Today and streaming on Local 4+.