Phone scam alert: Metro Detroiters receiving phony DTE Energy calls

Scammers posing as DTE Energy representatives, seeking bill payments

DETROIT – Many Metro Detroit residents are receiving calls from people pretending to work for DTE Energy, threatening to shut off services.

This is a scam.

It’s an old scam that’s back again with a new twist: The Help Me Hank team has received new information from the Better Business Bureau (BBB) that people all across Metro Detroit are getting phone calls from what appears to be a DTE Energy representative, but isn’t. These scammers are attempting to obtain your personal information or money.

First and foremost: Always be cautious of any phone calls or text messages that come from a phone number you don’t recognize.

“You have to be very careful any time you receive something from someone,” said Laura Blankenship with the BBB. “Especially if it feels just a little bit fishy, it probably is.”

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Utility scams such as this one are particularly popular at this time of the year.

People are also urged to be cautious of anyone who may show up at your front door, claiming they’re with a utility company, telling you that you need to pay up right away. This is a real problem: Some people fall for these scams easily.

If someone comes to your front door, always ask them for identification. And if something feels particularly fishy, you may want to call the police.

Related: Residents at Southfield apartment community shocked by utility bills after ownership change

About the Author
Hank Winchester headshot

Hank Winchester is Local 4’s Consumer Investigative Reporter and the head of WDIV’s “Help Me Hank” Consumer Unit. Hank works to solve consumer complaints, reveal important recalls and track down thieves who have ripped off people in our community.