Dave Coulter wins Democratic primary nomination for Oakland County Executive

Dave Coulter (WDIV)

Dave Coulter has won the Democratic primary nomination for Oakland County Executive.

Coulter defeated Andy Meisner in a relatively tight race in Tuesday’s primary election (see results below).

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Coulter, the former mayor of Ferndale, was first appointed county executive in August 2019. He assumed the role after L. Brooks Patterson died and became the first Democrat to hold the executive position in the county.

“I am grateful that voters judged me by my record as County Executive and validated the work we are doing to manage the COVID-19 pandemic, recover economically and bring progressive change to Oakland County,” Coulter said. “I believe my collaborative leadership style – and record of accomplishments with the Board of Commissioners – around our “Oakland Together” vision is what citizens want to see from their public officials. We certainly have more work to do and I’m looking forward to making our case to voters in November.”

Meisner released this statement after the primary defeat:

“I want to congratulate Dave Coulter on a hard-fought election and offer him my full endorsement for the upcoming general election.

As Democrats, we must now come together. We must turn our focus to electing Joe Biden, returning Gary Peters and our Congressional Delegation to Washington, growing our representation in the State Legislature, and maintaining the County Executive seat and the County Commission majority. We have much work to do, but I know we are up to the challenge and together we will win.

To my supporters across Oakland County, the people who helped us build our vision for the future and a more equitable Oakland County, and my incredible campaign team, thank you from the bottom of my heart! Thank you for rolling up your sleeves, giving your energy, expertise and passion to our shared purpose. In every way I can, I pledge that I will continue to carry the work we started together forward. I will be forever grateful for the public service opportunities I’ve had, serving the best County in the country, and remain here to help for anyone in need.”

Coulter will face Republican Mike Kowall (White Lake) in the November election. Kowall defeated Jeffrey G. Nutt handedly in Tuesday’s election.

Kowall released this statement on the primary win:

“I am grateful to all the Oakland County residents that supported me during the primary. I am looking forward to a robust and vigorous, issues-oriented campaign that will allow Oakland County voters to make an informed decision on who will be their next County Executive.”

Related: Latest Election news, results




David Coulter(D)


Andy Meisner(D)

100% of Reporting

(506 / 506)




Mike Kowall(R)


Jeffrey G. Nutt(R)

100% of Reporting

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David Coulter(D)


Andy Meisner(D)

100% of Reporting

(506 / 506)




Mike Kowall(R)


Jeffrey G. Nutt(R)

100% of Reporting

(506 / 506)

Oakland County races:

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