Michigan Board of State Canvassers certifies Nov. 3 General Election results

Board certifies results with 3 votes, 1 member abstaining

Michigan’s Board of State Canvassers has voted to certify the Nov. 3, 2020 General Election results.

The vote was 3-0 with one Republican board member abstaining during an hourslong meeting on Monday.

With all 83 counties having already voted to certify their results, the Board of State Canvassers had what was called a “ministerial” duty to certify the results at the state level. In fact, state law requires the Board of Canvassers to do such within 40 days after the election.

The vote to certify Michigan’s election results officially awards the state’s 16 electoral votes to Joe Biden in the presidential election.

The meeting started shorty after 1 p.m. Board member Julie Matuzak (D) motioned for the election to be certified, but Board member Aaron Van Langevelde (R) said he thought public comment was necessary before that could be done.

Matuzak, Van Langevelde and Chair Jeannette Bradshaw (D) ended up voting to certify the results after hours of public comment. The vote came down just after 4:30 p.m. Monday.

Board member Norman D. Shinkle (R) abstained from voting after questioning the balance of votes in certain precincts, specifically in Detroit.

Michigan Board of State Canvassers current members:

  • Chair: Jeannette Bradshaw - Democrat
  • Vice-Chair: Aaron Van Langevelde - Republican
  • Norman D. Shinkle - Republican
  • Julie Matuzak - Democrat

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