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Easter Bunny is cleared to make drop-offs amid pandemic

Bunny (Pixlr)

The Easter Bunny will be hopping right along this year despite the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

According to a letter from the desk of the Easter Bunny, the World Health Organization (WHO) has cleared the animal to make drop-offs on Easter Sunday.

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“The Easter Bunny has been tested as a precaution and is clear of the virus and any symptoms and will take all proper precautions to ensure that it cannot be passed from house to house along the usual drop-off route," reads the letter.

So while the rest of us still need to stay home and practice social distancing, the Easter Bunny will be allowed to do his essential job.

A letter from the desk of the Easter Bunny (April 2020) (WDIV)

Easter is Sunday, April 12.