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The new daily podcast you need in your life

You haven’t lived until you’ve eaten an orange in the shower, one ‘The Best Advice Show’ contributor says

The Best Advice Show (Graham Media Group)

It all started with a daily gummy vitamin.

Podcaster Zak Rosen wakes up with his daughter most mornings and they each have one.

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It was this sweet daily ritual that led to the creation of “The Best Advice Show," a podcast that you most definitely need in your life right now -- especially considering our current situation with the coronavirus pandemic, and how easy it is to feel helpless at times, as each day breeds more uncertainty.

The show is described as a tiny, daily podcast that, like a gummy vitamin, "will give you some nutrients,” Rosen said.

And it delivers. This advice isn’t the cliched, “easier-said-than-done” or overly abstract advice you might read online or see posted as an Instagram meme.

Some advice is very specific.

One man will tell you why eating an orange in the shower is pure bliss; a delightful experience -- and it just might make you re-evaluate your morning routine.

Another person will tell you what you should really do with your pasta water.

Other episodes are aspirational -- for example, are you an obsessive email checker?

What if, instead, every time you got the impulse, you instead did a little dance? Or called a friend? Or just took a moment for a deep breath and a look outside?

Simply put, “The Best Advice Show” exists as a reminder that there are weird, delightful and effective ways to survive and thrive in this world -- even now. Especially now.

In every episode, a different contributor offers his or her personal take on what to do to make your life better, healthier, saner and more livable.

The advice is pragmatic, poetic and concise -- in fact, episodes are only about 1 to 3 minutes long. The contributors include notable artists, writers and journalists, alongside listeners and some amazingly wise children.

Here’s an official introduction.

On two of the shows released this week, you’ll meet Lainey, who’s only age 6 but wise beyond her years when it comes to the value of working hard. And you’ll hear from Nate Mullen, who will tell you why you should “schedule your joy" -- meaning, making your personal tasks just as important as your work tasks. Put them on a to-do list. Prioritize your phone calls and your relaxation.

Another episode that resonated especially included one featuring podcaster Avery Trufelman. You might know her work, or you might not. But she knows how to create -- and has been involved in many meaningful projects over the years.

And for the first time in a long time, many people actually have some freedom in their schedules -- and for some, that brings the impulse to do something: How about that screenplay you’ve always wanted to write, or a poem, novel or art project?

Should you do it? How does one get started, anyway?

Trufelman shared some wise words in episode one.

Everyone’s feeling like they should be maximizing this strange time of quarantine -- but it hasn’t been that long, Trufelman reminds us. We’re still getting our bearings.

“It’s OK if you can’t really get it together to write the great American novel right now," she said. "No one would fault you for that. In moments like these, creativity has to come from a really genuine place.”

Those of us who aren’t sick, who have the gift of time, should be a little kinder to ourselves, Trufelman said.

Listen to the full episode:

Finally, Rosen is eager to hear how you’re surviving these trying times. He started this project well before the novel coronavirus unfolded earlier this year.

“I began working on this show months before the COVID-19 pandemic took hold,” Rosen said. "But now that we’re living in a new reality, the tenor of the show has evolved to consider this historic moment, and to hopefully help listeners remember that we all have ways to effectively make it through challenging, uncharted times.”

The show, by the way, will continue once we’re all outdoors again.

But in the meantime, he still wants to know: How are you making it through?

One of the coolest part of the show is, you can contribute -- in fact, Rosen would love if you’d call in.

Dial 844-935-BEST, and leave your name and your advice, followed by your email address in case he has any follow-up questions.

“I’m not particularly interested in platitudes and truisms,” Rosen said. “I’m after specific, odd, uplifting, effective, real tips from you about how you make it through your days.”

If you have any more questions, click or tap here.

The show is now available for download or to subscribe, on Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Spotify and wherever else you find your podcasts. New episodes come out Monday through Friday.

“The Best Advice Show” is created by Graham Media Group.