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What’s a hurricane tip you wish you had learned sooner?

Care to share with the class? We’re all ears

Jenna Fountain carries a bucket down Regency Drive to try to recover items from their flooded home in Port Arthur, Texas, on Sept. 1, 2017. (AFP Contributor, EMILY KASK/AFP via Getty Images)

Whether you’ve experienced a bad storm yourself, or maybe it was your friends or relatives who had to survive the ordeal, it’s better to ask these types of questions before we’re in the midst of a disaster: Have you ever received advice about how to prepare for a hurricane that really stuck with you?

Better yet -- do you have any tried-and-true tips that you follow every time, if you’re someone who lives near the coast, or has a vacation home on the water?

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We’d love to hear your best hurricane preparedness advice, so we can share it with our readers.

It can be funny, it can be serious, it can be oddly specific: But if you’ve lived through one of these, we’d love to share your insight with others.