Show us your pet’s Halloween costume

The cutest dogs ever! (GMG.)

We’re sure you’ve got an awesome Halloween costume picked out already, and I’m sure you’d love to share it with everyone.

While we want to see all the Halloween costumes, we’re looking to see what you dressed your four-legged friend up as Halloween.

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Costumes for dogs and cats are just darn cute, so we want to see photos of your pets in their Halloween costumes. Pet stores have the funniest costumes, but if you somehow even made the costume for you pet, you get bonus points!

All you have to do is submit a photo of your pet in their costume in the form below. Once you’ve done that you can even browse the other submissions. Maybe you’ll get some costume inspiration for next year?

About the Author
Jack Roskopp headshot

Jack is a Digital Content Editor with a degree in creative writing and French from Western Michigan University. He specializes in writing about movies, food and the latest TV shows.