Tasty Tuesday: Western Market in Ferndale expands their yummy grab-and-go menu

FERNDALE, Mich. – We’re taking a different approach on this Tasty Tuesday, taking you to a grocery store that does it all. Check out Western Market in Ferndale, where they have hot and cold grab-and-go items featuring all sorts of flavors.

Watch the full Tasty Tuesday feature in the video player above.

Tasty Tuesday deal

Western Market is located on West 9 Mile Road in Downtown Ferndale. They’re open from 8 a.m.-9 p.m. on Tuesdays and most days of the week.

The Tasty Tuesday deal: Get 40% off prepared meals when you mention Tasty Tuesday on Sept. 19, 2023.

Visit their website here.

(Find previous Tasty Tuesday restaurants here.)

About the Author
Jason Colthorp headshot

Jason is Local 4’s utility infielder. In addition to anchoring the morning newscast, he often reports on a variety of stories from the tragic, like the shootings at Michigan State, to the off-beat, like great gas station food.