Karen Drew reflects on healing process 6 months since skin cancer surgery

I forget it’s there most of the time -- that scar across my right cheek -- the spot where my skin cancer was cut out of my face.

Of course, in the morning when I apply the scar healing cream, or when I’m in the green room applying my makeup for the days newscast that scar grabs my attention. Most of the time I forget about it, but I don’t forget about reapplying sunscreen. That was my BIG mistake.

It was six months ago when that my dermatologist Dr. Steven Grekin checked out that dry patch of skin on my face. After a biopsy it was determined to be squamous cell cancer and I had to have the cancer removed.

---> Previous: Karen Drew shares details of skin cancer scare, treatment

My Mohs surgeon, Dr. Michael Whitworth, stitched up that hole in my face and helped me with follow up care, but to say I was nervous is an understatement. How bad will the scar be?

Now its six months later, and figured it was time to take the makeup off and show you the progress in healing. I got SO MANY emails from viewers who saw my first story, went in, and actually found cancer, after they, too, had a suspicious dry patch of skin.

I’m sharing to show it’s not that bad – the healing has been fast and painless. On top of a scar healing cream, I have gone in for three laser treatments which helps soften the scar and helps develop the collagen so the area can look more “normal.”

I’m posting how the laser works and included a quick interview with my dermatologist on my latest visit. Again, I’m sharing to remind everyone to apply that sunblock, reapply often, and go in when you have any questionable marks or dry patches – you never know, it could be cancer.

About the Author
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Karen Drew is the anchor of Local 4 News First at 4, weekdays at 4 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. She is also an award-winning investigative reporter.
