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Street lights turned on in Detroit during the eclipse

The 99% eclipse caused so much darkness in Detroit that the street lamps automatically turned on

This may be one of the only times the street lights in Detroit turned on 3 in the afternoon. (WDIV)

OK, the 2024 eclipse officially ruled.

And even though Detroit was in the path of 100% totality, we did experience 99% totality, which was still enough to drastically change what it felt like outside while the sun was pretty much all the way covered up by the moon.

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I knew that it was supposed to get a little bit dark out, but standing outside the Local 4 station in downtown Detroit, it got way darker than I was expecting. It got so dark that at one point, the surrounding street lights in downtown Detroit automatically turned on while the sun was mostly covered.

Not only was it briefly dark out, but I couldn’t believe how chilly it got! It really was an eerie feeling as the sun went away and a slight chill came to the air, especially on a perfect spring day like today. I started to feel goosebumps on the side of my arm when I realized just how in awe I was of the whole phenomenon. This doesn’t happen very often, so it was wild to soak it all in during that moment.

In the MIPic below, you can see just one of the many street lights in downtown Detroit that automatically turned on due to the eclipse.

You often hear about how animals in nature are often fooled by a total eclipse and will think that it’s time to sleep for the night, but rarely do you hear about technology getting tricked by the phenomenon!

We got SO many great photos submitted to MiPics from viewers and readers like you. From selfies with eclipse glasses on, to some actually really good photos of the eclipse happening, let’s take a look at some photos that were submitted!

Canton, MI

Canton, MI

A total eclipse of the beer courtesy of my husband

A total eclipse of the beer courtesy of my husband

Dakota enjoying the eclipse!

Dakota enjoying the eclipse!

RXO, Southfield, MI The moon had the sun covered and security had us covered.

RXO, Southfield, MI The moon had the sun covered and security had us covered.

Dobsonian 203mm scope. Even got some sun spots

Dobsonian 203mm scope. Even got some sun spots


We want to see your eclipse photos! Click here to upload them into MIPics! You may seem them used in an article or featured on air during a Local 4 broadcast.

About the Author
Jack Roskopp headshot

Jack is a Digital Content Editor with a degree in creative writing and French from Western Michigan University. He specializes in writing about movies, food and the latest TV shows.