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Flashpoint: Little more than 2 weeks away from Nov. election -- what Michigan voters can expect

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DETROIT – We are just a little more than two weeks away from the midterm elections.

If you haven’t made up your mind yet, there is a final debate in the governor’s race coming up on Tuesday.

Find more -- Decision 2022 coverage here

More than 1.5 million ballots have been requested and sent out, and more than 400,000 have already been returned. According to officials, that is twice as many as the last midterm election for Michigan in 2018. Those absentee ballots are presumed to leave heavily democratic, leading to another episode of what we now refer to as “the red mirage.”

Two years ago, the early vote totals tilted Republican, but things changed as the absentee ballots were added to the mix late in the evening.

Poll -- Oakland County voters favoring Democratic candidates, but Slotkin-Barrett race tight

That shift of fortunes helped fee the conspiracy theories that something untoward was happening when it was actually just a function of which votes were being counted early and which were being counted late.

On Flashpoint, we discussed the expectations voters can have for election night, what the economy is looking like as we are weeks away from the November election and what candidates Oakland County seems to be favoring.

Read -- Michigan Election Guide 2022: Key races, ballot proposals, voter information

You can view the October 23, 2022 episode of Flashpoint in the video player above.

Interview: Oakland County voters favoring Democratic candidates, but Slotkin-Barrett race tight

Interview: What to expect for election night

Interview: Taking a look at the state of the economy ahead of the midterm election.