Michigan nursing homes prepare for potential COVID-19 vaccine

Nursing home residents listed as priority to receive coronavirus vaccine

DETROIT – There is growing excitement at nursing homes and long-term care facilities about being named among the first in line to receive the COVID-19 vaccine as soon as it’s available.

READ: Timeline of when Michigan officials hope to have COVID-19 vaccine available to general public

Those kinds of facilities have been particularly hard hit. The state of Michigan has recorded a total of 3,448 deaths among residents and 45 among caregivers.

The owner of a large nursing home group said the recommendation from the CDC is a game-changer for the better. Advantage Living Centers has 10 skilled nursing and 2 assisted living facilities across Michigan.

Kelsey Hastings said their facilities were hit hard by COVID-19. According to the state’s website, the group has had a total of 162 deaths of residents and 4 staff deaths. They have had 699 cases of COVID-19 as of Nov. 25. The group has contracted with a pharmacy to start its delivery workflow the moment the vaccine is available.

Vaccination won’t be mandatory for the staff or community members but it will be highly encouraged. Wendy Jones is the founder of Next Steps 4 Seniors, which specializes in elder care and placement.

She believes being first in line for the vaccine is critical to keeping long-term care facilities safe. She cautions that if the right paperwork isn’t in place it could delay families from getting the shot for their loved ones.

Watch the video above for the full report.