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How to handle your kids back to school jitters

Back to school is just around the corner and kids sometimes have a lot of strong feelings about that.

Some children are excited to get back to the classroom, while others are nervous or downright anxious.

Here is something to note, anxiety among kids may not look the same as in adults. Children sometimes have trouble expressing what exactly they are worried about.

Whether it’s starting a new school or being nervous about a new grade, parents need to acknowledge their child’s concerns.

More: 5 tips for parents to help children start the year off right

Therapist Jody Baumstein said some common signs to look out for are frequent worrying about school, trouble concentrating, frequent headaches or stomachaches and changes in eating or sleeping habits.

Baumstein states that anxious children may also develop clinginess to caregivers and experience mood changes. Sweating, shaking or fast breathing when thinking about school and not wanting to participate in activities they usually enjoy.

The therapist said parents could help comfort their child by visiting the school before the first day, driving the bus or drop-off route with their child, so they know what to expect, and meeting the teacher.

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“Anything you can do to prepare ahead of time is going to put their mind at ease and make them a little more comfortable on day one,” said Baumstein.

Establishing a routine where the parents check in with their children and ask open-ended questions about how they feel is also important.

Tell us how you help your child navigate through first-day jitters in the comments below.

About the Authors
Frank McGeorge, MD headshot

Dr. McGeorge can be seen on Local 4 News helping Metro Detroiters with health concerns when he isn't helping save lives in the emergency room at Henry Ford Hospital.