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What is causing the Vyvanse shortage? Takeda blames manufacturing delay, increased demand

Impact to continue into September

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Are you having issues filling your Vyvanse prescription? Takeda, the company that manufactures the drug, said a manufacturing delay and increased demand is causing inventory to remain low.

Takeda said this delay could impact patients’ ability to fill their prescriptions for Vyvanse. Takeda said they are working to replenish the supply as quickly as possible.

The shortage has impacted the company’s ability to provide supply to pharmaceutical distribution wholesalers. Those wholesalers are the ones who supply retail pharmacies, like Walgreens, CVS, Rite Aid, etc ...

Timeline for Vyvanse shortages

Takeda expects the delay will affect the 40mg, 60mg, and 70mg dosage strengths.

  • Supply of the 40mg strength was expected to dip in mid-June and be replenished in a few weeks.
  • The impact on the 60mg and 70mg strengths was expected to begin in late June or early July and continue into September.

Takeda said it is possible that there could be an increased demand on other dosage strengths. This could cause localized shortages of other strengths.

Takeda said if the supply situation impacts you, to work with your healthcare provider to consider other options for treatment.

“We regret this inconvenience and potential disruption in your treatment. If you are unable to fill your prescription for Vyvanse at your current retail pharmacy, we encourage you to contact your healthcare provider to discuss potential alternatives during this disruption,” Takeda said in a statement.

Takeda covers some co-pay costs

Takeda will cover some Vyvanse prescription co-pay costs so the majority of patients do not experience increased prescription co-payment amounts fo Vyvanse during the supply shortage.

To get that financial assistance, patients must be a participant in the savings card program. If you have additional questions or concerns, you can call 1-877–TAKEDA-7 (1-877-825-3327).