
What your pharmacist wishes you knew

DETROIT – Whether you are going to a pharmacy to pick up a prescription or get an over-the-counter medication -- there is a resource available that many people don’t think to take advantage of.

The pharmacist behind the counter can teach you anything from how to take your medication for maximum benefit to what side effects to watch out for.

In the hospital, we have pharmacists available for consultation 24 hours a day and honestly, I turn to them all the time for their insight on the best doses of some medications to the best antibiotic selection for specific infections. The fact is pharmacists are incredibly well trained in all aspects of medications and not using that expertise is just a waste.

Sarita Saade-Harfouch, a pharmacist and the regional director at CVS, said pharmacists are busy, but that should never stop a person from asking about their health and medications.

“Never be afraid to ask something that’s for your health,” Saade-Harfouch said. “I really wish our patients come proactively to us and ask the questions before they take a decision that may be harmful for them.”

She said it’s important to ask questions anytime there’s an issue with medication, symptoms, new medications and don’t be afraid to ask about over-the-counter medications.

“Your pharmacists are available, this is what we went to school for,” Saade-Harfouch said. “I think it’s critical for patients to know that even over-the-counter medications can interact with the medications they’re taking. Even if they are not taking medications they may have harmful side effects that they may not be aware of.”

Drug interactions are one of the things that pharmacists are always on the lookout for, so Saade-Harfouch really wants people who use more than one pharmacy to consider something important.

“If we don’t know what the whole regimen is for that patient, then there might be adverse reactions that are gonna happen that could be harmful or even lethal for a patient,” Saade-Harfouch said. “Consolidating into one pharmacy is always critical. Not only do our pharmacists check for clinical interventions, but our system is also very smart and equipped to flag any potential interactions. We won’t know if you filled it somewhere else.”

In addition to safety, pharmacists are also looking out for savings. The cost of medications is a really important issue and pharmacists are your allies in this. No one wants to see a patient go without a medication because it’s too expensive -- and that happens a lot. If the cost of a medication is too high -- talk to the pharmacist -- they can often find discounts you may not have been aware of -- or they can help you contact your doctor to find a less costly alternative.

About the Author

Dr. McGeorge can be seen on Local 4 News helping Metro Detroiters with health concerns when he isn't helping save lives in the emergency room at Henry Ford Hospital.

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