4 household items you can use to boost your workout

There are lots of exercises you can do at home without equipment

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Gyms and fitness centers are great because they have lots of special equipment and trainers that can help you learn how to use that equipment.

But if you don’t have the time or the money to go to a gym, that doesn’t mean you can’t work out. There are lots of exercises you can do at home without any equipment or using things you already have.

Here are four household items to get you started:

A sturdy chair

A sturdy chair can be used for seated exercises or as a piece of equipment for more challenging moves.

Canned food

Most arm exercises use dumbbells, but if you don’t have dumbbells at home, use cans of food or bottles of water to add some weight to your workout.

A towel

A lot of people lose flexibility as they get older or just don’t like stretch. To make it easier, grab a towel. You can use it to loosen up your back and shoulders or to stretch out your calf muscles.

A balloon

To work on your hand eye coordination, blow up a balloon for a game of Keepy Uppy.

You want to try to keep the balloon in the air as long as possible. To take it up a notch, force yourself to switch hands, or use your feet too. This is also a great way to get kids up and moving!

Balloons are also used in this unique class for people with Parkinson’s disease.